@Matsuda all good, may i know the authors name?
Looking for this edit of an avatar. please let me know if you found it. -
Looking for this edit of an avatar. please let me know if you found it.I've been trying to look for this edited avatar everywhere for god knows how long. if someone finds this please let me know https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1013921516179693608/1131467902919393380/saved.PNG All I need is the VRCA file. Even if you cannot find this avtr file thank you for reading this message. Have a good day/night or whatever time it is for you guys.
looking for this avatar. more info on bio.I saw one of my friends wear this avatar but they don't know where they got it so I was wondering if its a booth avatar or gumroad or payhip or whatever. I don't want it leaked but I want the link where to buy this.
Looking for this Minase texture.If you could find it by any chance i would really appreciate it. If not still thank you for reading this message and have a nice day/night
Does anyone know the avatar name?I want to know who made this avatar because one of my friends have it and idk where they got it from.. could someone please tell me? If so i'd appreciate it very much..
LF: Shinra by mio3iolet me know if someone finds this as well.
Looking for Maki 1.3.Someone sent the package a long time ago to me but deleted it and i was wondering if someone could be generous enough to send me the 1.3 package if so thank you and i love you.
Looking for Maki 1.3Thank you so much i appreciate your kindess!
Looking for Maki 1.3I've been trying to find it forever it'd be a breeze if someone has it.
Looking for Yuki -Maki-can you post 1.3?