@ISnortRamen i have a few booth world assets, what in particular are you looking for? i might have it.

【IMERIS専用】Body Texture Real skin[HD-PSD]♥ (Found) ✔ -
LF collection of kikyo clothesheres last one
https://workupload.com/file/fCZnqjGLMXE -
LF : Stier (UPDATED VERSION PLS)i dont think stier ever got a pb update
sad cuz its cute
https://workupload.com/file/Qke6cUfHGF8 -
LF Kikyo outfits@Frost-Iceberg heres the china jacket! https://workupload.com/file/cN293cs4DTq
LF Karin Outfits <3 [3/4 Found by lunatic and cinnabun] ✔dont have 1st but heres city dress and nocturne!
https://workupload.com/archive/PsGTEuWL -
LF : Stier (UPDATED VERSION PLS)@Sonoski latest is 3.0 with no physbones sadly
did you still want it?
LF: Mamehinata Clothes and Hairily too!
LF collection of kikyo clothes part 2someones spamming downvotes on my posts kek.
its no problem! -
LF collection of kikyo clothes part 2@Finn first love cute. here!
https://workupload.com/file/dGHdjEPygtq -
LF: Mamehinata Clothes and Hair@ArimaruRIP only have 2nd, but enjoy!
https://workupload.com/file/6K5xdqphgy5 -
Kikyo new outfit "Rojiura Bunny" (Found by TheGodfather) ✔on yourself? yeah i'd agree on that one kek :^)
Kikyo new outfit "Rojiura Bunny" (Found by TheGodfather) ✔@ISnortRamen we're all pirates bro. none of us are on a moral high ground. you post something worth money for free, its gonna get reuploaded eventually.
on a better note. if anyone wants something, feel free to dm. i'll try my best to give out some stuff (FOR FREE) if i have it
LF "Latla" -
Looking for this rindo Christmas Outfit -
Does Anybody Have an Updated Maki (碼希-まき)@Kama https://workupload.com/file/wJ4H4vC7Qc4
merry early christmas my dudes -
LF this hair -
LF: Cute assets for Japanese style model@torimeowww2 heres some accessories to choose from
https://workupload.com/archive/8YELHvAF -
LF this hair pls@EliteBDmm here you go!