Bump for ellie
LF: Sisi & Ellie by UrGrandma (FOUND 1/2, Sisi found by Barbiebl00d) -
FOUND!- Schala by BeardieChanbump
FOUND!- Schala by BeardieChanBump
✔ (FOUND by Astro) Cleo (Feline Furry) by FoxiPawsBump
lf euphoria by atrocity+1
lf euphoria by atrocity+1
LF fearbump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)@GamerBoi80 Thx !
LF this Hair for selestia@eiron Thx
LF this Hair for selestia【VRC想定】2Wayかきあげハーフアップポニーテール - GLAY Unknown - BOOTH
ハーフアップとポニーテールで使える髪型です。 ポニーテール、ロングヘア、サイドヘア×2でメッシュが分かれています。 - 対応アバター オリジナル3Dモデル「セレスティア」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/4035411 オリジナル3Dモデル「桔梗」 https://booth.pm/ja/items/3681787 ※アバターは同梱されておりません。 - 使用シェーダー liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 ※whiteマテリアルのメインカラーをお好きな色に変更することで簡単に色改変ができます。 ‐内容物
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)Bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)!Bump
LF: Royal Queen Demon Vyllith & J4CK3L by Iridescence (2/2 FOUND, BY BLACK0NXY and GamerBoi80)!Bump Royal Demon Queen Vyllith
LF Petrun for LimeBump