LF outfit link or DL -
LF this headWhat models head did this person use? I’m desperately trying to find out
LF: Cyborg headset?Can’t find this asset on booth seeing if any has it or can find the link^^
LF : Harlow ┊ Physbones + Avatar Dynamics (NSFW 18+, PC Only) ✔Bump
LF : Harlow ┊ Physbones + Avatar Dynamics (NSFW 18+, PC Only) ✔Bump
LF avatar basic tool -
LF ghost tribe sister modelLooking for the actual model of ghost tribe sister, not sure if this is the actual name but it’s all I could find.
【オリジナル3Dモデル】幽狐族のお姉様 - FRIENDLY PLANET - BOOTH
【オリジナル3Dモデル】幽狐族のお姉様 制作者 アルマジロン ※以下にモデルについての説明、利用規約が記載されておりますので、 ご購入の前に必ずお読みいただき、ご了承された上でのご購入をお願いいたします。 ※VRChat向けの設定をしたunity向けのデータになります、 テクスチャーとfbxが同梱されております。MMD等他fbxを他拡張子に変換しての利用は制限いたしません。 どのアプリケーションを使用した場合でも利用規約に則ってご利用くださいませ。 ※尚、他アプリケーションでの操作方法、こちらのページに記載されております、
LF Moe avatarLooking for the latest moe avatar
https://booth.pm/ja/items/4667400 -
LF this outfit link for moeI THINK this is a moe outfit I’m looking for the link or if anyone is willing to share I’d appreciate it
LF: CyberLove Okinawa [FOUND] ✔️@Amazon same here went through a countdown on mega then after it was finished (about 4 hours) it just wouldn’t continue
LF: CyberLove Okinawa [FOUND] ✔️@sachiel-J doing gods work
LF: CyberLove Okinawa [FOUND] ✔️Bump
LF: Lilac SelestiaLooking for lilac Selestia
LF: Selestia Clothes and Add-onsBump for lilac
LF: Reeds homeworld by artsy glitchHey I’m looking for the Reeds home world by Artsy Glitch if anyone has it plz throw it my way
LF : A set of naughty 18+ toys for role-playing (Found) ✔Bump
Looking for tiger beeLooking for neos tiger bee modes  have Runa assets to trade
LF: Runa Maido SetBump+