LF: Synth-Wave EQ Halos (With Audio Link) -
Help! My Unity will NOT open at all!Got it to work after installing unity again, hopefully it wont crash on upload if it does ill make an update comment.
Avatar Tattoo?Do you happen to know what model that is?
Where is this hair?buimp
Help! My Unity will NOT open at all!A couple days ago I hard reset my laptop cause Unity wasn't working correctly. It kept crashing every time I got to the upload process of an avatar. I've reinstalled everything I need to upload an avatar but now, when I try to open a project, nothing happens. I've reinstalled multiple times and this problem still persists. All I do is make a new project with Creator Companion, import a few things with the listings, and open project. All it does is load for a second, close, then nothing happens! Nothing appears or anything! My Unity version is correct I've checked multiple times, It's not the things I import either, I've tried with adding nothing and the problem still occurs. Please help! :,(
LF: Prince and Princess by Cupkakebump
"FOUND" The Fox Moth by Darbi :butterfly:@sandrine1992 uhhhh ok sorry i didnt know?.. this seems a little passive aggressive just in my opinion. Maybe be nicer and link me to the post?.. : | I dont feel respected.
Slime Fox Mothboombp
"FOUND" The Fox Moth by Darbi :butterfly:Anyone have some of these textures/assets for the foxmoth?
https://jinxxy.com/zelf/cutepunk -
LF: Trixi V2 by CryptCandyBBBBBBBBUMP
LF: MomPants by Nessy!boompp
LF: cvntBOOTS by Nessy!bumpp
LF: Nes10's by Nessy!bump
LF : Novabeast NSFW (Female) (Found)@tempykekvr ya they are kind of
LF: Orctavian by FromTheGraves <3upps
LF: Jaylani by Emchiboomp
✔ (FOUND by pinkslxtt) Jaylani by Emchiebeump
LF: Orctavian by FromTheGraves <3@Daxxerzz wym by that XDDD (nvm I sort of understand)