Looking for Nuru the jackal -
Looking for Ayana by アノマロ工房bumpity
Looking for Ayana by アノマロ工房bumpity
Looking for Ayana by アノマロ工房VRChat用アバター HNあやなSPS Version - アノマロ工房 - BOOTH
HN(ハンドルネーム)あやな 本当の名前は秘密 量産型ファッションのムチムチ猫耳の女の子です。 実はエッチな自撮りが大好きで自分の裸をSNSに投稿して性欲と 承認欲求を満たしてます。 SPS Versionは通常仕様のあやなにさらにSPSギミック用の素体や アイテムを追加、設定したものになります。 (通常仕様https://anomarokoubou.booth.pm/items/6589391も同梱されてます。) ◆試着用VRChatワールドあります。 (SPSギミックの試着はありません) 起動用URLはこちら。
If anyone finds her pleaaaaaase share ;w;
Looking for Nuru the jackalBumpity
*LF:【ラシューシャ対応】タートルネック×ロングコート【for Lasyusha】bumpity
*LF:【ラシューシャ対応】タートルネック×ロングコート【for Lasyusha】bumpity
Lasyusha 1万スキ記念 outfit set SALE~9/30 #3BONbumpity
LF: Rider Jacket for LasyushaBumpity
LF Anubis (女性) For LasyushaBumpity
LF Anubis (女性) For Lasyushabumpity
Looking for Nuru the jackalbumpity
LF Anubis (女性) For Lasyushabumpity
Looking for Nuru the jackalbumpity
LF Anubis (女性) For LasyushaBumpity
Looking for Nuru the jackalbumpity
Looking for Project H: Sophia by Lod !bumpity
Looking for Nuru the jackalNuru, The Jackal of Greed - VRChat Avatar
Discord Server: Raven HollowDiscord ID: XelyoNuru, The Jackal of GreedMeet Nuru, Anubis's cyber jackal of greed.Special Features:Daggers: Daggers that can be controlled and thrown through easy to use gestures.Coin:Play heads or tails with the ancient coin!PC Only, this avatar is not Quest Compatible.How to upload:Create a new 2022 avatar project using VRChat's Creator Companion.Import the Poiyomi Toon Package.Import the Nuru Unity Package.Open the Nuru Scene and then Upload.Info:All assets within this avatar are created by myself from scratch with exception to:All Hairs - NessyTerms of Use:This avatar is for private use and is not to be uploaded publicly.You can edit the avatar as much as you wish, however, do not claim as your own.You are not permitted to take assets from this product and use them elsewhere.Some items will be available to be bought separately for personal/commercial use.Purchasing this product licenses its use and its content for one persons individual use within VRChat.Use the Gumroad Gift feature if purchasing for a friend.This product is not for resale, you are not permitted to redistribute or upload its contents to any other 3rd party, friends or website.This product is non-refundable.
Gumroad (xelyo.gumroad.com)
LF Anubis (女性) For Lasyushale bump
LF Anubis (女性) For Lasyushabumpity