Looking for the Viwi avatar by Mos.
LF: Viwi by Mos -
Thicc Wickerbeast@crystaldustie I am interested for that unit project as well.
LF: Echo + Eclipse by foxipaws ✔ (V1.2+V1.0)Does anyone have the spp file?
LF: Novabeast Novabundle (Found: 4/8)the beach babe was uploaded on vrmodels.
https://vrmodels.store/clothess/37168-novabeast-beach-babe.html -
Looking for Muscle Texture for the HyenidLooking for this thanks!
LF Novabeast SuitHere, enjoy
https://pixeldrain.com/u/VEUpCmWv -
Doppel ShadersDo you have the snowflake eyes?
Looking for VK Rhinestone ShaderLooking for this Shader
LF : SanuraSanura - VRChat - PC, Unity 2022 Update
Our first public full anthro - Sanura! (Egpytian for 'kitten')She got dem sweet PBR maps all over the place for the fur (and booty) to pop out :3 Golden accents everywhere!The 2 images with our logo are renders, for the ingame look check out the screenshots and videos!❱❱▶ Included filesFully set up unity packages with the full version for PC.❱❱▶ Set up a separate project for PC with the following assets:VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) + Unity 2022.3.22f1Poiyomi Toon 9.0.57VRCFury 1.1100.0❱❱▶ Afterwards, import our avatar and open our included scenes!Got questions? Join our Discord Server and ask away! ❱❱▶https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d❱❱▶ FeaturesSDK 3.7.1 AvatarFBT ReadyPhysBonesAvatar contacts: Headpat, Noseboop, BoobtouchExpressive gestures: Slow Blink via Trigger (Fist R, Fist L), Happy (Open R), Sleepy (Open L), Confused (Fingerpoint R), Sad (Fingerpont L), Shy Flirty (Victory R), Confident Flirty (Victory L), Annoyed (RockNRoll R), Angry (RockNRoll L), Smug (Handgun R), Timid (Handgun L), Surprised (ThumbsUp R), Blep (ThumbsUp L)Shading options: Brightness, Wet Skin, Shadows, Glitter, OutlinesClothing toglesTail slideGoGo LocoLollipop, Attraction System, Sound System❱❱▶ Terms of Service❱❱▶ By purchasing this asset you agree to adhere to and follow the following terms:- Do no claim the avatar or design to be yours.- This avatar is Personal Use only! Do not share, upload, distribute or make the avatar available to anyone else than yourself.- Do not reuse any assets from this avatar.- You are not allowed to use this avatar or its assets for any Commercial Use.- Credit Wolfs Den 3D when using our avatar in e.g. social media.❱❱▶ CreditsAll assets are made from scratch by Wolfs Den 3D except the following:Unrigged Base MeshHairTex - HiLoMMDGoGo Loco - franadaOther - Wholesome, DismayPlease check out all these talented creators! Keep in mind that we edit other assets often heavily, e.g. base and hair.Thank you for taking a look at our products here at Wolfs Den 3D! We're always looking for ways to give you the best Virtual Reality experience we can! Your support and interest is what keeps us going <3❱❱▶ https://discord.gg/wolfsden3d
Gumroad (wolfsden3d.gumroad.com)
LF GodrunnerThanks but the download link either doesnt work anymore or its bugging for me
LF GodrunnerLooking for Godrunner by Godfall
The ONLY Official place to get my avatars! GodRunner was crafted over months of hard work, she possesses the ability to change into a furry version of herself and over 50 toggles! She is very well optimized for the amount of stuff on her and also includes many little extra features and gadgets! Thanks for your support!
Godfall's Kamui (godfall.club)
LF Ween base modelLooking for a Ween base model (Wickerbeast and hyenid combo).
Looking for Nardovern base modelHaven't found any on the ripper store yet
Looking for Nardovern base modelLooking for Nardovern base model Thanks
Looking for Hyenid assetsLooking for some Hyenid clothes assets Thanks