LF : EchoTheNeko - 「愛莉」 Airi Face Tracking Addon | 顔追跡アドオン -
Kiyomi 3.0bumpy
LF : Kommander Kitty by Jaslinafrrr bumpppp shes too cute
LF Vie by Soshibump
LF: MAVERICK by TeddyGQbump
Maverick by Teddygqbumpppp
✔ (FOUND by _loveyou) Baby by Diraccoonrbumppp
Maverick by Teddygqbump
LF: Sepha by todeskandidat -
LF : Spectre by lowlyq !!bump!!!!
Maverick by Teddygqbump!
LF: ORCAT =^._.^=@bwoo THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVELYYY <3333 (sorry it took me awhile to see this)
LF: ORCAT =^._.^=bump
LF: ORCAT =^._.^=Appreciate if you find her! I neeeed more face tracked avis!!
FOUND ; VI BY APYRhate to necropost but has anyone gotten a hold of the VRCFT version? ; ; the one shared is just the one without it.
[NN SHOP] NN_BOB_Hair For Shinrabump (and if anyone knows the face texture thatd be nice ; ; )
LF: Demon Nya! for Kikyo and Moeik it got taken down but bump for moe ; ;
LF: Pato & Youmei Stuffbump