Still looking for the choker~
Eye Patch and Choker by Funa [Assets found by mintsheep & sarameesh] -
LF Choker, plz helpBump~
Looking for ChokerBumping
Looking for Avatar Lufkabump!really want this
LF Nayu Clothes please!Bumping in hopes someone has these!
Looking for these two cutieBump for the cuties
LF AABodyi really need this for the avatar im working on, thank you! -
Looking for tsumige w/ AABody@Booples theres no body...plz help lmao
Looking for tsumige w/ AABodyWhat avatar is this? when i downloaded it was only the clothes and i really love the avatar
LF Idle AnimsBump!
Looking for sea/ocean Assets/avis! Long listBump!
looking for selestia NEKO outfitsBump!
LF Idle AnimsBumping~
Blendshape limit breaktool@Snowy Sorry! i must of coppied the wrong thing T^T heres the link -
Blendshape limit breaktoolreally need this
Christmas capes or hats!@katai i didnt see that lmao
Christmas capes or hats!most specifacally want this any winter outfits for digi el, i couldnt find any but id really like some ^^
Looking for this for rindo!