Anyone know where i can find this package?
VR Stage Lighting Artnet Grid Node
◆ CAUTION ◆This a paid extension of the open-source shader project known as VR Stage Lighting ( While the shaders are open source, this grid node is not and is subject to terms described in its included license. The terms are also outlined below for clarification.◆ About◆The VR Stage Lighting Artnet Grid Node is an Artnet node that can take DMX512 signals over ethernet and convert them into colored squares that the VR Stage Lighting shaders can read as well as other formats including MIDI and OSC. The Grid node will show up in Artnet compatible software and hardware as a proper Artnet node.The grid supports up to 9 Universes and arranges them into 13 columned rows called “Sectors'. Each sector represents 1 unique VRSL fixture in Unity/VRChat. The grid’s resolution is 208px by 1080px. This is so that it can fit in a standard 16:9 stream on the right side. Please refer to the “DMX via Stream Panel Guide.pdf” that is available with the official VRSL Github download for how to use this grid with OBS. ◆ Documentation◆Further Documentation about the grid specifically is in the included pdf document that comes with this grid ("VRSL - Artnet Grid Node Manual.pdf") as well as aviable here now:◆ Channel Routing◆Here is the expected channel format for each “Sector”:1. Pan (Left/Right Rotation)2. Fine-Pan3. Tilt (Up/Down Rotation)4. Fine-Tilt5. SpotLight Radius/Cone Width (Will show up as "Motor Speed" insome software)6. Intensity7. Strobe (0-009 is off, 010-255 is slow to fast)8. Red Intensity9. Green Intensity10. Blue Intensity11. Unused (Labeled as "White Intensity" in some software)12. GOBO selection (1 through 6; Labeled as "Programmes" in somesoftware)13. GOBO Spin Speed (WIP); Labeled as "Speed/Sensitivity"); ◆ Terms of Service/License◆You agree to these terms and conditions when you purchase this software. The license itself is included with this download and will also be summarized below as such:The contents of these terms of service are subject to change. If they are changed, the latest version will be applied.• The copyright of VR Stage Lighting Artnet Grid Node (Herein after now referred to as "the software) is held by the creator, AcChosen, and the rights to the software belong to the creator, AcChosen.• Copyright infringement is a criminal offense, and the infringer can be punished by the prosecution by the copyright owner. Infringement of copyright, publishing rights, and neighboring rights is subject to imprisonment of 10 years or less or a fine of 10 million yen or less.• Distribution of this software or any of their included files (excluding any pdf documents) is forbidden. Distribution of copies of this software is also forbidden. Distribution of modified versions of this software, whether it is the whole software or part of the software, is also forbidden.• The use of this software in expressions, politics, and religious activities that slander others is prohibited.• If there is a difference in other languages due to translation, the terms of use in English will be applied.◆ Disclaimer ◆In the case of troubles, losses, and damages caused by using this software, the creator AcChosen accepts no responsibility. Use this software at your own risk.Established date: 2021 May 26
Gumroad (