An all-round good asset/s for nipples? -
An all-round good asset/s for nipples?bump
An all-round good asset/s for nipples?Hello everyone, I know that some avatars do and don't have nipples on them which some people either make textures to add them but that has them flat since there are no nipples. I've also heard there's assets to add your own in which they are not flat and actually visible than just a texture.
So my question is: Are there good nipple assets that can work on pretty much any avatar furry/non-furry? Or would I need to have more than one depending on them? As long as it looks good and does well, I will appreciate any of the input given
LF: Updated Wickerbeast@Eventhough If you want, you could just pm/dm It to me, apologies for the late response, I dont check these forums as much as I want to haha
LF: Updated WickerbeastThe links seem to be broken, would anyone be able to put another link?
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Ace of Spades by POINTLESS@Rabbit oh my gosh thank youuu!!
LF: Lizzy deathclaw model by vulgar victorbump as well
Ace of Spades by POINTLESSbump
Ace of Spades by POINTLESSbump
Ace of Spades by POINTLESSAce of Spades from Destiny 2 [VRChat]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more! Want to test it out before you buy it?You can try out my Public Asset Test Avatar in my Avatar world! Click Me! Reload and physically flick the chamber back in!Piece sign to open the chamber, tilt back to drop the shell. Put another in, and flick it to the right!Fire away!Fist and Squeeze trigger to fire the gun!Comes with a Holographic Sight! • Ace of Spades Pistol Prefab• Ace of Spades Pistol Sounds• Ace of Spades Pistol Model• Ace of Spades Pistol Materials• Ace of Spades Pistol Animations & Controller• Ace of Spades Pistol Physically Lean and Tilt Actions• Ace of Spades Momento Mori Effect Toggle Memento Mori Effect Toggle! • Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.1.166 or newer• VRCFury• Suresight Scope Unity Shader • This product was intended to be used in VRChat with SDK3• My avatar used in showcase images: Rex / Rexouium • Credits to Bungie: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/destiny• Model and Textures by: Blizz Winters• Credits to Liindy for the Holosight: https://liindy.gumroad.com/l/Suresight• Everything else done by me ^w^• This is fan made <3 • Public avatars: Allowed• Commissioned avatars: Allowed(if both people own the asset)• No Commercial license. You can NOT include my assets in your Unity packages • By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the assetThis product is a collaboration with: Website | Gumroad | Twitter Pointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price! Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Want to become an affiliate and earn a cut from sales you get me? Click Me!Alternative Store page: https://jinxxy.com/POINTLESSMain Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord, Friend Request: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137 I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)
Saw this release recently by POINTLESS, looking for this for anyone who wishes to share it :3
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LF: REPTILLIGATOR Junk Packooo, sounds good alrighty, ill see what i can do thanks!
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LF: REPTILLIGATOR Junk Pack@skymoon my man you are a GODSEND thank you so much my dude