sweat pants are from here idk if they have a same/similar body to another avatar, but here is what I could find
Manuka found by whoknows1202
Shinra found by BLACK0NYX

LF: these sweatpants for velle -
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Cornet Clothingbump
LF: Cornet Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothing@yuichihaya THANK YOU SM
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune ClothingI fr don't know how to edit the post BUT I found texture #2 (Found by Viacyn) : Quick DL
LF: Rurune Clothingbump
LF: Rurune ClothingClothing
Booth: 【11アバター対応】
3.Booth: でびでびぱーかー
4.Booth: 【ルルネ用】レオタードセーター - Leotard Sweater - For Rurune
- Booth: [「ルルネ」専用【3D衣装モデル】Loader(ローダー)
- Booth: 🤍Vrchat Hair🤍Fluffy Bob
Rurune Texture FullPack (2 Eyes, 2 MakeUp, Body, Choker, Tongue)
Booth: 【ルルネ専用】Nebula Tail【Texture】
Booth: 【100アバター以上対応】IlluminationNail【VRネイルチップ】【MDollnail対応】#あんらぼぶい
LF:Selestia Outfits@trash I've been trying to find this outfit and I thought I finally found it just for the link to not work T^T ACK!~
LF : 彼ニット✦キプフェル対応版✦ [His Knit Chokers - Kipfel]Bump
Runya 3D - オリジナル3Dモデル「ルーニャ」#Runya3D - 5852666bump