Hi I just got this tattoo for Shinra if anyone needs it here's the download!

GIFT 【Shinra Snow 森羅】-Eyes+Makeup+Body Tex HD -
LF: 【 2アバター対応 】 Snow Glow Make-up Texture [PSD] and 【森羅】 Shinra make up ♥@potatothekitty im so sorry i only have the shinra one i didnt know there was a shinano one :'<
LF: 【 2アバター対応 】 Snow Glow Make-up Texture [PSD] and 【森羅】 Shinra make up ♥I just made it public!
LF: Airi TattoosI have the Mystic Tattoo for shinra
LF: 【 2アバター対応 】 Snow Glow Make-up Texture [PSD] and 【森羅】 Shinra make up ♥ -
LF: 【 2アバター対応 】 Snow Glow Make-up Texture [PSD] and 【森羅】 Shinra make up ♥@UPTOUz5669 I have the first one! Here you go[https://drive.google.com/file/d/11VreqMZh8SvFd0LmGSP9KvQ5K0BBcpGs/view?usp=drive_link]