Here is another, it might be the same stuff. I dunno

psycho miz muffet ! (when it releases) -
LF Muffet by MIZ!Always check VRModels
LF: Face/Ass Slap AssetI don't know about the face stuff, but I found this video to make your own:
LF: Zy0n7 Stocking ModelBump
LF: Haru (Beastars) by Iggy (or close to it)Bump
Uzi by Samzan [Need help rigging]Alrighty. This thing was HUGE so I couldn't upload it to Workupload due to its size, so I made it into a google drive.
Anyone with the link can download it.
It contains the OG blend file. OG FBX (The one I got from the OG Blend) The Blend I edited, a Backup Blend before I fixed/added the textures, the FBX that contains my edits/retextures.
The textures are in there as well.
The one thing that isn't in there is the Unity package because I didn't get around to making it.
I WAS going to make it, but I already put in a shit ton of work into it today, so I didn't have energy to make more shit.So if you wanna do that, you can.
Or you can wait for a LONG while for me to make it.
(The reason why it would be a long while is because I'm working on my own models as experiments and that in itself already takes a lot of time and making a working Unity Package takes up a LOT of space on my PC so, I'm gonna be very very very picky with what I turn into Unity Packages.)Anyway, here is the link.
Have fun with it. I'm tired and I think I'm gonna play some games for a while. Maybe a few days. ^^;Google Drive Link:
Anyone can access it or download it, if there are any issues with the link, do tell me and I will fix it.
[FOUND] SALE 💞 Shota hair new ㅡ 【 VRChat Hair / 3Dヘアモデル】Bump
LF: Haru by James94Bump
LF: Haru (Beastars) by Iggy (or close to it)This model can be found on the ArtStation. There is no DL for it or anything and I have been trying for several years of attempting to recreate it or even make something close to it with similar models.
I have tried, but always failed.
If at all possible I would like to somehow get this model.I love this person's work. I think what they do is amazing. However, I have tried to see if I could even buy this model, but I didn't see anything that said I could.
If anyone at all could get this or find a way, I would be very grateful.
To the person who does manage to get it, if there is one out there: I thank you in advance. If I could bow my head in text I would. -
LF Rabbit Doll and BeastTech Doll by SpaceTatoBump
LF: Zy0n7 Stocking ModelBump
LF Rabbit Doll and BeastTech Doll by SpaceTatoBump
LF: Zy0n7's Vrchat Supported Avatars (28/31)Bump
LF: All Murder Drones Avatars by GraveteethsBump
LF: Zy0n7 Stocking ModelBump
Murder drones avis by yumily/chloeBump V
Uzi by Samzan [Need help rigging]Thank you, you two. ^^
Makes me happy to have your support.
I promise the model and what ever else it will have will be delivered soon-ish. Thank you. I mean that. ^^ -
Uzi by Samzan [Need help rigging]Progress report: I still need a lil more time.
Life caught up to me and has threw me in the ringer. Please excuse the slowness. Once I believe its ready it will be posted after some testing.
Thank you for your patience. -
LF: Zy0n7 Stocking ModelBump
LF: Zy0n7's Vrchat Supported Avatars (28/31)I am bumping for Stocking. I don't care if no one else is looking for bumping for it, but I sure as hell am. >:/