LF: Mitsumame Assets! -
lf chiffon natural skin tonesBump
chocolat skin toneBump
LF: Mitsumame Assets!https://booth.pm/en/items/5809656
Looking for any Mitsumame compatible assets
LF: Fluffy two side up [Mame Hinata]bump
Looking for mamehinata natural skin肌の質感 Natural Skin Texture /【まめひなた用 mamehinata】 - Lielii - BOOTH
This asset includes skin textures for the mamehinata for customizing your own characters i hope you find good use in those colors <3 more colors rather less normal coming soon! ;) ●Avatar Compatible/対応アバター● まめひなた mamehinata / オリジナル3Dモデル https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/4340548 🍃contents/内容🍃 ・Texture
Any other skins are fine too
LF Mamehinata ver1.30 (with Quest version)bump
Looking for mamehinata hair (curly)Im looking for this specific hairstyle but any other mamehinata hairstyles are fine! Also looking for mamehinata itself if you have it
【VRC想定】MAMEPP_hair_for_mamehinata - YOONKIRA - BOOTH
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