@Rustdeokoro skill issue dayo

Gift: 【14アバター対応】 !! SALE 中 !! 🌸✨Flos Serena ✨🌸 -
LF: 【Milltina/ミルティナ】 Cowboy Bikini VRCIt already leaked, just take the booth code and search it on the site and you'll find it.
Too lazy to link
Gift: 【14アバター対応】 !! SALE 中 !! 🌸✨Flos Serena ✨🌸@Rustdeokoro There's no virus.
Your software is just being overly aggressive, a new download link wouldn't do anything because it's the same files, lol -
【Milltina/ミルティナ】 Cowboy Bikini VRCThank you!
LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)Did this happen to leak for Raruh yet? : https://booth.pm/en/items/6108328
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:---- I posted in the wrong thread, my bad ----
LF: Blue Monday 【8アバター対応 サイバーパンク・パーカー衣装】bump
LF: 【Milltina/ミルティナ】 Cowboy Bikini VRCBump
RIPPED CRYPTIA AVATARS MEGATHREAD + EXTRA@Imnotaripper. Yeah that's probably it.
I was wondering because the lighting in that map was so good for avatar testing because there were so many different kinds of lights and angles they used, which I've not found in any other map. -
RIPPED CRYPTIA AVATARS MEGATHREAD + EXTRAWhat happened to the old FNAF club map? Did it get removed cuz of all the damn kids or has it been privated? :c
LF - PAJAMAS (Milltina only)@stingraey Thank you!
LF: Blue Monday 【8アバター対応 サイバーパンク・パーカー衣装】bump
LF Dragon's Ronin【9 体対応】bump
LF: Hololive, Vtuber, Mihoyo, etc models!There's no need to @ a person twice.
This is from 3nder's own twitter profile and it's an old model. -
LF: CryptiaCurves Stylelized Noelle and Susie (Blender and Unity)@Luminescent None of Cryptia's models do.
You gotta make that yourself, it wasn't hard at all, you can use VRC Quest Tools to make your life easier as well. I just do it manually because you get better results.
LF: Hololive, Vtuber, Mihoyo, etc models!I don't, because my cache gets auto-deleted every time I log out and back in. Otherwise I would've just shared the entire cache folder (as I don't know anything about ripping)
But I saw them in the FNAF club world, there were 3 of them so if you can, just keep an eye out there. And it is either 3nder's or a 1:1 recreation of his Hakos. I was occupied so I didn't really care at the time which I regret now