Texture folder(psd) bump
LF: Marycia Assets -
LF: Marycia AssetsTexture folder(psd) bump
LF: MaryciaTexture folder(psd) bump
LF: Marycia AssetsTexture folder(psd) bump
LF: Marycia AssetsTexture folder(psd) bump
LF: this cutie Oshama おうしゃま Renewal 2024 / オリジナル3DモデルBump
LF: Marycia AssetsTexture folder(psd) bump
LF: Marycia AssetsPSD folder bump
LF: Marycia Assets@mytix Thank you for your consideration.
Official Description,"Texture folder has been modified and changed.
Edit ∟ files (clip, psd)”so perhaps you can download the zip of the avatar itself and the zip of the psd separately.
Sorry if I am wrong.
LF: Marycia Assets@mytix Thank you so much!
If you don't mind, I would appreciate a PSD as well! -
LF: 発売記念SALE ✧ Marycia マリシア - オリジナル3Dモデル #Marycia3Dbump
LF: Maryciabump
LF: 発売記念SALE ✧ Marycia マリシア - オリジナル3Dモデル #Marycia3Dbump
【14アバター】Fluffy braid Hair【VRChat用Hair】@qweqweq31 Thank you very much! I appreciate it very much!
【14アバター】Fluffy braid Hair【VRChat用Hair】BUMP
【赤夜式】注射ギミック【VRCアバターギミック】@Linze Thank you so much!
Can I request the latest version if you like? -
LF:【ギミック付き】例のチェーンソー【VRChat想定】It's an interesting gimmick
LF: this cutie Oshama おうしゃま Renewal 2024 / オリジナル3Dモデルbump
LF: 【VRChat想定・MA対応】龍神の剣をくらえ ギミック【Overwatch風】bump
LF: this cutie Oshama おうしゃま Renewal 2024 / オリジナル3Dモデルbump