@Provoke Here are the 1.1 update files for the unity package and the blend file. If you need anymore updates I also have the avatar so feel free to @ me if needed.
FOUND: Ashbeast by therpgslayer -
[VRC/SDK3] Sirai - flexuhBump for new
LF: Echo Comfy Outfit Add-onbump
LF Fluffs Toolbox v3.6boh i have not used it yet but i own the package was taken from the store if there is a update i can post again.
LF Fluffs Toolbox v3.6b -
LF Cat Outfit Kikyobump
I'm Looking for Gothic Over knee boots for Selestia@nugs not sure it uploaded right says its 0bytes in size in the folder.
Moe - EXTENSION CLOTHING『DROP DEAD』セール中 ✔https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja/ middle button on site page is download says on booth page to use that.
LF Cat Outfit Kikyo+1
Moe Outfits (5/5) Thank You <3 ✔TheReGodfather posted v.1.2 of crop hoodie outfit with bikini so the 5th outfit on this list in this post.
LF Kikyo/Selestia Clothes (crop hoodie with bikini / DEVIL's MANIA!)
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RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
LF : EXTENSION CLOTHING『DROP DEAD』Moe/Kikyo ( Found Damnation & Ahri )Here is the Moe ver only.
Paid for this myself so if there is ever a update to the outfit let me know and i'll drop the newer files.
EXTENSION CLOTHING 新作『DROP DEAD』👼 今回はアニメーションギミック満載の現代ファッション堕天使をコンセプトにクールなイメージのライダースをメインアイテムとしてトータルコーデを組みました!! ライダース無しはもちろんインナーやビスチェでの使用も想定してどの組み合わせでも可愛く着こなせるようになってます💜 また改変前提のメッシュ分割構成や豊富なギミックを搭載した専用プレファブの同梱などさらに新しい要素を取り入れてみたので是非着てみてください!!!! お洋服や改変好きな方に絶対に着てほしい一着です💜
Paid for this myself so if there is ever a update to the outfit let me know and i'll drop the newer files. contains all files.
Enjoy !
Fishnet Shirt - For Selestia/Rindo Fishnet FOUND BY @Anonymous MamaFishnet shirt - Moe.
Moe - Fishnet Top ✔Paid for this myself so if there's anyupdates just ask and i'll send updated versions. has both the shirt and the PSD file uploaded.
【萌用】メッシュシャツ - Fishnet Shirt - For Moe - seele - BOOTH
バージョン1.0 で作られました 萌ちゃんはこちらへ https://booth.pm/en/items/4667400 使用されたマットキャップ: https://booth.pm/en/items/3610927 シェーダーこちらへ LilToon(https://booth.pm/en/items/3087170) Prefab_Boothには着せ替え済みのPrefabを用意してありますが試験的に同梱したものなので機能しない場合があります、ご容赦ください △合計: 3.804のシャツ+9.022その他=12.826 【内容物】 Unityファイル Fbx PNG(Unity)
LF Wind Racer Kikyo@shiro no need to be sorry sure people will just be happy you shared and i did not want to just post a link in here without you gaining the credit for finding and posting it. hope you don't mind that i linked it to the other post.
LF Wind Racer Kikyo[FOUND] by TheGodfather- Wind Racer for Selestia ✔
Selestia ver here [register or login to view this hidden content]
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
shiro in here posted the link for kikyo
LF: VRchat Hypno Eyes Pack -
LF crop hoodie bikini Kikyo/selestia/maya (founded for all 3 models) ✔+1
Lf Runa/Luna tailꜱᴜɢᴀʀ_ꜱᴘʀɪɴᴋʟᴇꜱ did a dump in this runa post the tails are in there.
LF Runa/Luna Athletic + Comfy Night Set
Dump [register or login to view this hidden content] [register or login to view this hidden content] [register or login to view this hidden content] [register or login to view this hidden content] [register or login to view this hidden content] [[hidet...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
LF Fluffs Toolbox v3.6b@iwantcuteavatars no problem hope you enjoy.