
LF:// Aimi by Kota's Oasis -
LF:// Aimi by Kota's Oasisbump
LF:// Aimi by Kota's Oasis -
LF:// Plug Tailshttps://jinxxy.com/CocoRohan/plugtails
This is coool -
FOUND: - Kisu - by Googibump
LF: Kisu by Googibump
FOUND: - Kisu - by Googibump again
LF: Kisu by Googioh my god I NEED ITTT
bump -
FOUND: - Kisu - by Googibump
LF:// Avery& king by Soshibump
LF Hidemi by soshibump
LF: Hidemibump
LF:// Avery& king by Soshihttps://payhip.com/b/TVXYG
Pleasssee I need ittt
LF: Avery & King By Soshibumppp
LF; Violet Puppy Cat Toy | PhysBones Interaction! | Bell Sound! or other violet puppy assets.need that
LF: Jingly Keys@AC123 because I dont want to pay 3$ for the 3$ item
LF: Spiri'vali P-Shirt v2bump
LF: Spiri'vali Warmers v2bump
LF: Spiri'vali Warmers v2Levy's Spiri'vali Warmers v2
A simple set of warmer for the Spiri'vali VRC Avatar.Update:Ankle clipping "fixed"Substance painter file.Unity project contains:- 4 different colours textures- 1 normal map texture- 1 metallic layer texture- 1 fbx- 1 Material- 6488 Polygons(The custom worn texture on the in game illustration pictures not part of the package and using Poiyomi shader)As one of my first published assets. I hope it will reach your expectations.I only ask you to do not claim as your own. Share the link with your friends not the file. Thank you.
Gumroad (lewyty.gumroad.com)