LF: Project: Tengu by Heartmarksman (Found by MoistCheezit) -
[LF] NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, SPS, FT) by EIGHTyou're welcome^-^
LF: NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, SPS, FT) by EIGHTfound here by me https://forum.ripper.store/post/657434
[LF] NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, SPS, FT) by EIGHTHere you guys go<3 NO_001 // [MOON] by Eight
LF: Sophie By heartmarksman | Female/Femboy |bump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
FOUND: Aphex by Soshi (VRCFT+ SPS + GoGoLoco)bump
[LF] NO_001 // [MOON] "The Rogue Agent" (PC, SPS, FT) by EIGHTBump
LF: Emmigosa (Human/Furry) FOUNDAnd for the upload all you need is vrcfury poi toon and Jerry’s face tracking template
LF: Emmigosa (Human/Furry) FOUND@Vizzie when you import the v1.3 package into the unity project an avatar setup tab will be on the screen. It opens on its own
(FOUND) Leona by SwiftiefoxBump, she’s out -> https://jinxxy.com/Swiftiefox/tg3vf
FOUND: Aphex by Soshi (VRCFT+ SPS + GoGoLoco)Bump
LF: Emmigosa (Human/Furry) FOUNDhope that helps
LF: Emmigosa (Human/Furry) FOUND@Vizzie the package above contains the face tracking version. In the Dor tab you just have to make sure you have a check mark in the box next to face tracking. Dor -> Avatar Setup -> Check the Features you wanna apply to the avatar
LF: Razor by GeekieFox :3bump
LF: Aria By megumin | [VRCFT] [SPS] [PC]bump
LF: Riley by Heartmarksmanbump, i know im the one who created the post but i might just buy her and post it here hwen i get paid^-^
LF: Riley by HeartmarksmanBump
LF: Riley by HeartmarksmanRiley | Female | Opti | VRCFT & VRCFury | PC Only
Checkout my Discord for more ''in depth'' pictures of Riley 😏 discord.gg/hearts-hideout Features ☠️ UE Face/Eye tracking ready version of the Avatar is included for free! ❤️-VRCFT showcase recorded with Meta Quest Pro- Medium rated version is included for free! ❤️ ( Made by loadinzara ) Avatar is made using VRBase and the newest Poi 9.0 ❤️ (Poi included for easy use and upload!) Future proof support for VRC Updates ❤️ (If an avatar breaks due to a VRC Update, it will be fixed within 24h after reporting it to me via my Discord server's ticket system)Customization ☠️ - Custom Outfit's, Underwear and Bodysuit are mostly made from Scratch ❤️ (Outfit Parts can be freely mixed and matched together) - Outfit Presets ❤️ (lets u throw on one of 4 Preset Outfit options!) Comfy Outfit Casual Outfit Short Outfit ''Birthday Suit'' - 2 Hair Styles ❤️ Short Braid - Hair Customization for Bangs Style and Bangs/Braids Lenght ❤️- Base Hair Color Change ❤️Black (White Tips), Black, Brown, White (Black Tips) - 3 Seperate Hue Shift Option ❤️ (For Eyes, Hair Emission and Clothing)Avatar Interactions ☠️ - In Depth Audio Link integration for all Emission Effect's ❤️(Feature is focused around Hair, Horns, Body and Design elements on the Outfit) - Body Fluid Particle effects ❤️ (Golden and White) (More on my discord server) - Immersive Face Interactions❤️(Face is Completly reworked and every part of it allows for alot of interaction with other people in VRChat)Body Settings and VRCfury ☠️- Body Tattoo Customization ❤️ - Skin Color Radial + Seamless Neck ❤️ - Upgraded PCS 1.8.0 ❤️ (Adds lots of sound effects for interacting with yourself and/or other players) - VRCfury + Lollipop V5.10❤️(Avatar Supports all known Features from VRCfury)Other ☠️ - Dissolve Toggle for all accessories and clothing pieces ❤️ - Custom icon set for better menu navigation ❤️ - Custom Rigged Base and Assets ❤️(Big effort went into Rigging and Dynamics of Assets) - Face gestures ❤️(Sleepy, Angry, Confused and more!) - Newest GoGo Locomotion ❤️(For all your Halfbody needs <3) - FBT ready ❤️(VRBase is used to Create this Avatar what makes it perfect for anything FBT related) - Many other little things ❤️(Mostly from scratch Assets, Anchor overrides, Bounding Boxes, Specular reflections on Materials, Ground Collider, No clipping for all Clothing assets, Hair, Ears and Tails into the Body) Showcase ☠️Uploading ☠️Unity 2022.3.22 is needed!1. Create new project using the Creator Companion2. Make sure to use ⚠️SDK Version 3.7.5⚠️3. (Face Tracking Only!) Install Jerry's Template via VRCFury --> https://adjerry91.github.io/VRCFaceTracking-Templates/4. Install VRCFury using VRChat Creator Companion! Head here for instructions --> https://vrcfury.com/download/5. Open Project6. Import Included poi_Toon_7.3.50_UpTo_9.0537. Import my avatar package8. Open Scene called: OPEN HERE!9. Log in to your account through the VRCSDK and upload!10. Have fun! ❤️If issues appear join my Discord and ask for help via the Ticket system! discord.gg/hearts-hideoutPurchasing Rules ☠️1. Do not take any assets on the model, please buy from the original creators2. Do not share/leak under any circumstances3. Do not make public under any circumstances4. Do not reuse my edits under any circumstancesNO refunds after purchasing the modelCredits ☠️Makeup Texture: https://payhip.com/b/y7gROFace: starlynnHair: https://cupkake.store/ / https://wetcat.gumroad.com/Blacked Out Tattoos: https://payhip.com/b/6YMq0Harness: https://karmavrc.gumroad.com/PCS: DismayLollipop: https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/Base: https://zinpia.sellfy.store/p/vrbase-egirl/GoGo Loco: franadavrc.gumroad.comCreation Tools: Rafa#0069 / Adjerry91 / WholesomevrIcons: Skulli / MeShoes: Plaz#0891 Everything else: Heartmarksman#0666 (Me lul)Thanks to: ☠️ loadinzara For making the opti version, SaKuu__ for Testing and Posing, sparrowsghost for Showcase Pictures, sleepivrc for help with Unity Logic and mrnoise_ for making ''Heartmarksman Metal Logo'' ❤️
Gumroad (heartmarksman.gumroad.com)
LF: Emmigosa (Human/Furry) FOUNDbump v1.2