GIFT : dump of tinies assets
@nekoluvvs lmfao yea now some lil bitch is crying to me abt how her friend wants to talk to me and how im so scared of them lmao.
yin dm'd me lol defending tinie idk why they choose to hang arnd her tbhh
@nekoluvvs Tinies mods are actually so chronically online. Its baffling how much they meat ride her even while knowing all the problematic stuff shes done. Its crazy how ppl are able to recognize that sora and all them are bad ppl but when it comes to tinie shes like some saint that can do no wrong. LOL
@nekoluvvs shes like " i SAID snort THAT SHES MY FRIEND !! are you incompetent!!?
@nekoluvvs fuckin yin bro or whoever the fuck
@nekoluvvs exactly like why are you crying in my dms on in the big 2024, shut up ooomg
@dollace exactly like get out!!! its the person w the pwups usr or wtv ? thats yin lol and like all of tinies friends r rippers plus i have acc ss of tinie bein a ripper so idk why shes also denying that part and how shes so big on "no ripping" in her serv lol
@nekoluvvs lmfaooo bro
what happened lol?
@nekoluvvs Taken down due to backlash i assume, but the clips were pretty ugly anyway so it doesnt matter too much
oml i wish i could see the drama but im ip banned
im pretty sure i have everything that was uploaded, i can reupload it as a zip file with some assets from sora as well :3 ill post a workupload in a minute
- here you go!
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