LF Nibbles by confusey
@JustVappy ![alt text]( image url)
@JustVappy here
@JustVappy what avatar I can post it if you can't
@jyfvhjvhv Oh, sorry, I only saw your question now. I don't know how much you know, but I assume you have the basics down, if not, you can look it up or DM me for further help, once you're in Unity and you have imported the package (and replaced the missing mesh on the dragon tail if you want it) all you need to do is open the VRChat SDK, found here:
Then in the VRChat SDK Control Panel you log in with your VRChat account. (It's important that you are at least a New User for you to be able to upload an avatar. Then you go into the Builder Tab of the SDK and you give the avatar a name, add a picture, select your platform and then click Build and Publish, like so:
If you want it to be cross platform compatible you'll need to upload both the quest and PC versions under the same Blueprint ID you can find when you click on the avatar itself, at the very bottom under the avatar descriptor, once you've uploaded one version, just copy the ID there, make a new project, attach that Blueprint ID to the avatar and select Android under the Selected Platform Option in the Builder.
Sadly with the quest version I've found it's slightly too big to upload so you'll need to either lower the resolution of some of the textures, or delete objects you do not want on the avatar (Be careful though, deleting clothes can sometimes leave your avatar naked if you end up toggling them on in the PC version)
This ended up being longer than intended, I hope I could help though! I just wanted to explain everything as thoroughly as possible cause I don't know how experienced you are ^^;
@lazypastels thank you so much
@lazypastels Dunno if you knew but I found a nice trick on reddit awhile back that can heavily decrease the size of quest models just gotta go to models, select all and turn the normals from import to none in the inspector
@SeraphicRoses Ooh, I didn't know! I'm gonna try that next time, thank you :3
@SeraphicRoses It’s the marble fox dlc for Peekabowo’s Ollie vulpina
@SeraphicRoses Could you possibly send a tutorial on how to do that? I'm trying to do that and realizing idk what it means
@MarbledMoo https://workupload.com/file/RX7Kq9Whf5r
couldnt upload a video here and didnt feel like editting a bunch of images, if you didnt know if you click on one thing and then hold left shift and click the last you select everything from the first you selected btwalso might look off cuz I did that on a pc avi instead of a quest one lol