this for maya
【MAYA舞夜】セクシーな小悪魔 Ver.1.02.2に対応しました - 坂田家雜貨屋 - BOOTH
【MAYA舞夜】セクシーな小悪魔 MAYA: !注意!プロジェクトに古いバージョンのMAYAが含まれている場合は、MAYAFBXを削除してから、1.02バージョンのunitypackageを再インポートしてください。 衣類ファイルの内容:PNG、FBX、NormalMap、unitypackage (服と翼、パンティー、尾、ベルトチェーン) 化粧ファイルの内容:PDS、PNG、unitypackage 修正部位: 顔と体を明るくする、アイメイク、口紅、チーク、タトゥー、マニキュア、口腔内の色調整、陰部、肛門 陰部、肛門
because this is a new post i wanna ask what bump means
@supersince It is basically just a post that sends a notification of new activity on any given post that makes the topic show near the top of the list so it gets more exposure. Also, Google could tell you that.
@PrIsMaTiSm thank u didnt google it because didnt expect it to be on google since i only seen it here xD but probably will use it more offten now thank u
according to google, bump means Bring Up My Post. though i'm skeptical on that and just think someone came up with that after the fact because it works. it's been in frequent use to bump threads to the top of list on messageboards/forums for over 20 years.
hi shiro again 1+
@MilkyDudds eat poop
@MilkyDudds You
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